Extract from, The day I nearly died, by Rob Mumford
Scene: Fifteen year-old boy in bed with sixteen year-old girl on a Saturday afternoon. Fifteen year-old boy is trying to make sure that Year 11 girl is not regretting deciding to lose her virginity with a Year 10 boy.
Girl: Stop.
Boy: What? Why? Are you all right?
Girl: What was that?
Boy: What?
Voice from downstairs: Jayne?
.....Jayne? Who’s up there?
Girl: Just me.
Voice: If you tell me his name, then I won’t come up. I’ll leave the house, and he’ll be gone when I get back.
Boy: (Whisper) You said it would be safe.
Girl: (Calling) Rob Mumford!
Boy: (Whisper) Brilliant. Well done.
Voice: He’s got five minutes to get out.
(Sound of movement downstairs. Front door opens then closes. Mr Brightwell didn’t kill me. What a guy.)